Tuesday, February 10, 2009

T.I vs Phelps

So the country is going nuts about Michael Phelps smoking exploits. Obviously a lot of people aint so happy that the all American boy has been partaking in an un-American past-time (yeah right!) and he has now been dropped by one of his many  sponsors.  
Whilst Phelps was staring mystified at the size of his hands but still finding Dane Cook unfunny (no amount of drugs can change that), rapper T.I was swaggerin' all over the stage at the Grammy's.

Now T.I is on his way to jail for possessing firearms yet is allowed to perform with Jay-Z at the Grammy's whilst Phelps got stoned and is a national disgrace and no longer allowed to sell kids a double helping of sugar with their Frosted Flakes in the morning. Excuse me whilst I go all Hannah Montana here but WTF!!!! 
So basically drugs are bad (Mmmmkay) but being sneaky sneaky with guns... yes guns y'know the things that shoot bullets is bad enough to send someone to jail for but cool to let them promote their next single in front of a live audience of millions. Call me stupid (You're stupid) but how can Kellogs drop Phelps but T.I's record company not drop him. Its Ludicrous I tell you (no not the rapper).
I have nothing against T.I and as far as I am concerned he did the crime and he's gonna do the time, as for Phelps.... Give the guy a break c'mon.


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