Now these blog posts have ranged from killing mice, to riding roller-coasters, to singing karaoke. However one story has garnered the most interest and that is my New York love story.
It all took place over a month ago and I had moved on from everything (I couldn’t get the girl to come for a second drink with me!) So imagine my surprise when I arrived home from work on wednesday afternoon to find a box from the same flower company I used for Project Valentine addressed to me. Inside where a bunch of Sunflowers with a note that said
Robert Gilbert:
Because Valentines Day is just one day of the year.
Love is still out there.
Keep the romance alive. (The Girl)
Needless to say I was completely flummoxed. I worked out that the flowers had to be from someone I had invited to my housewarming because they knew my address. So i narrowed it down to my friends Nicole, Victoria or Dena. All three are very sweet girls and loved what I did for Valentines Day so it wasn’t beyond the realms of possibility.
I called Nicole who within an hour had schlaped to my place from new Jersey to inspect the flowers and the letter. It wasn’t her.
I text Victoria who was as intrigued as the rest of us. However due to her law school commitments it was pretty unfeasible that she had set them. So that left Dena. I sent her a text asking if they were from her....... No response.
Nicole and I brainstormed a while and thought maybe..... just maybe The Girl from project Valentine felt bad and had sent me some flowers. I doubted it. However I needed to cover all bases. Her best friend was then called upon for her input. She knew nothing of it.
Then my phone beeped, Dena had replied and said they were from her. Case closed. Nicole went to work and I had a nap. Then Dena text me back saying she was only kidding!!!!! Case wide fucking open!!!!!!
With all the subtlety a Hippo ice skating Nicole decided to ask The Girl from Project Valentine if they were from her. She claimed they weren’t.
Then I received a message on Facebook from a mystery person called Amelie. Who asked if I liked the flowers............
I added her immediately and she popped up on my facebook chat. I launched in with a million questions. Who is she? Was there more planned? What was going on!!??
She said she wasn’t playing a joke and I had to work out who she was. What followed was the most intense version of the Yes/No game I have ever played.
Slowly but surely I deduced that she was lived in New York, but hadn’t been to my apartment and wanted to be an actress. She then showed me a picture of her chin.... well that didn’t help at all!
After an hour of persuasion she told me that this was a fake facebook profile (obviously) and we were actually facebook friends.
A light went off in my head. A week earlier I had been added by a random girl who I had one friend in common with. I stabbed in the dark and asked if it was her. It muthafuking was! her name was Maria.
So now I needed an explanation. Did I have a stalker? Would I have to move? Was this all a joke?
Maria very slowly explained what this was all about...
She had read my blog and loved the Valentines Day story. She thought it was so romantic and when she read the last part she couldn’t believe how it ended. She didn’t like the fact that I had done all of this stuff only to get rebutted at the end of it all. So she sent me flowers, she told me that she wanted to give me the happy ending my story deserved. There was no agenda attached to this, she just thought I deserved better.
So I just want to take this opportunity to say to Maria, thank you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart because that is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me... ever.
And just very briefly for those following my acting career, I managed to book a part. Shakespeare nonetheless. I’ll be playing the part of Costard in Love’s Labour’s Lost..... He is the Clown, how apt!
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